WebStorm is my IDE of choice when it comes to debugging Node apps. Read on if you haven’t configured Mocha Tests debugging yet.

1) Prerequisites:

2) Add Mocha to your Run/Debug Configurations

Open the Edit Run/Debug Configurations Dialog:

Run/Debug Configurations Dialog

Or go to Run | Edit Configurations ...

Then Add a new Mocha Configuration:

Mocha Run/Debug Configuration

If node is configured properly in WebStorm, you should only have to edit the Name and Test directory which is the path to your tests folder.

The following fields are mandatory:

  • Node Interpreter path to Node on your machine.
  • Working Directory path to your project directory.
  • Mocha Package path to Mocha installation home. If you installed Mocha through npm, WebStorm will detect it automatically.
  • User Interface select the Mocha Interface that corresponds to the way your wrote your tests.
  • Test Directory path to your test folder.

Press OK.

3) Run or Debug your tests

Make sure your have your unit test config selected in the Run/Debug Configuration

Press the Run button or ^R to run your tests:

Mocha WebStorm Tests Passed

Press the Debug button or ^D to debug your tests

Mocha WebStorm Debug Unit Tests