I have just finished an Hexo Plug-in that automatically transforms URLs into links. In the background it uses the Autolinker.js library.

GitHub Repo


Visit www.codeblocq.com when you have time.


Visit <a href="http://www.codeblocq.com" target="_blank">www.codeblocq.com</a> when you have time.


npm install hexo-autolinker --save


Configure the plugin in your blog’s main _config.yml

enable: true
newWindow: true
urls: true
email: true
tel: false
twitter: false
hashtag: instagram
className: 'test'


Property Default Value Description
enable true Enable the plugin
newWindow true Opens links in new tabs/windows <-> Add target=”_blank”
urls true converts urls to links
email true converts email addresses to mailto links
tel false converts telephone numbers to tel links
twitter false converts twitter handles to links
hastag false Use twitter, facebook or instagram to convert hashtags to the links
className false Adds a custom class to the links that were transformed

Checkout Autolinker.js and the Autolinker live examples for more options and examples.