I have just had to implement this and found it hard to come across a simple working solution out there.

So here is mine:


Let’s consider the following WebSocket object:

const mySocket = new WebSocket("ws://www.xyz.com/socketServer", "protocol");

We can listen to incoming messages with

mySocket.onmessage = (message) => {

and close the websocket with


Setup redux-saga

To listen recurring events, saga provides an eventChannel object.

Basic usage

// 1- Create a channel that listens to messages from the server
const channel = yield call(createEventChannel);
while (true) {
// 2- wait for the next message from the server
const {message} = yield take( channel);
// 3- Send the message payload to the reducer
yield put({type: WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, message});

Once the channel is created (we will get there in a second), we can use yield take(channel) to listen to the message received. By putting that call in a while(true) {...} loop we can be listening to messages forever.

Create the Event Channel

The eventChannel takes a callback parameter with an emit argument to put messages onto the eventChannel. This callback function should return another function to be executed when the connection is closed.

function createEventChannel (socket) {
return eventChannel(emit => {
// call emit when a message is received
mySocket.onmessage((message) => emit(message.data));

// Return a function to be called when done listening
return () => {

Plug in that function in the example above and you are ready to go.

Full Working Example

// mySaga.js

import {takeEvery, eventChannel} from 'redux-saga';
import {put, call, take} from 'redux-saga/effects';


function* createEventChannel(mySocket) {
return eventChannel(emit => {
mySocket.onmessage((message) => emit(message.data));
return () => {

function* initializeWebSocketsChannel() {
const mySocket = new WebSocket("ws://www.xyz.com/socketServer", "protocol");
const channel = yield call(createEventChannel, mySocket);
while (true) {
const {message} = yield take(channel);
yield put({type: WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, message});

export function* mySaga() {
yield [
takeEvery('INITIALIZE_WEB_SOCKETS_CHANNEL', initializeWebSocketsChannel)

Hope that helps !