Improve your VSCode experience with these useful configuration options

To open the configuration file use Cmd + , on mac and File -> Preferences -> User Settings on Windows and Linux

Font Family

Change the editor font to your favourite monospace font with editor.fontFamily

"editor.fontFamily": "Inconsolata, 'Courier New', monospace",

Font Size

I am finding the default font size to be way to small for my liking (and tired programmer’s eyes). Use editor.fontSize to remedy this.

"editor.fontSize": 16,

Line Wrapping

By default lines do not wrap. If you are tired of doing so much horizontal scrolling, use editor.wordWrap.

"editor.wordWrap": true

Line wrap indentation

Related to the previous item. When doing line wraps, I like to have a small indent to make it more obvious. This can be achieved with editor.wrappingIndent

"editor.wrappingIndent": "indent",

Cursor blinking

In the pimp my editor category, improve the way your cursor blinks. Totally useless, totally worth it !

Possible values include 'blink’, ’smooth’, ’phase’, ’expand’ and ’solid’. I am rolling with ’phase’

"editor.cursorBlinking": "phase"

Automatic formatting

This one is a lot more useful. It formats your code automatically as you type. Use editor.formatOnType to enable (off by default).

"editor.formatOnType": true,

Terminal Font

You know VSCode ships with an integrated Terminal you can open with Ctrl + \.

If you are on a Mac and using a custom shell like zsh you will probably also have to update the Terminal font to a Powerline font. Use terminal.integrated.fontFamily to do so.

"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Meslo LG M DZ for Powerline",

Automated Extensions Update

I am sure you have quite a few extensions installed by now. Get them to update automatically with extensions.autoUpdate to avoid these pesky notifications.

"extensions.autoUpdate": true

Happy Coding !